THAT is a Debate?

Why Do these debates inspire the exact opposite of their intentions? I am really interested in the ideas in the election and presidential politics in general but these debates... talk about a kill joy. How can a voter who is sitting on the fence use these marathon games of rhetorical dodgeball to make a decision. Every year candidates fear the debates because strong stances and true debating gets looked upon as mean and poorly put together; so what do they do? They tap dance on the tight rope of nat'l issues for an hour and half trying not to be too impolite to their opponent. These fools might as well be wearing bathing suits and juggling plates because the pundits and the analysts don't give a crap about the message, only the delivery.

Nothing sounds more stale and bogus than when a person running for political office calls the current election the most important of our lives. No shit; A) Previous elections have long since passed so their impact is not an issue and B) who knows what future elections will bring upon us because they aren't here right now. There is just something that rings foul and patronizing about driving up fears in apathy towards voting. (follow me there?)

If you really want to get any thing out of these "debates" follow this: in their next head to head listen to both candidates and if they take a few sentences to address the topic of a question that is the candidate showing their fear in making a stance they know they don't hold the upper hand in or they aren't sure they can make a difference. BOTH OF THESE FOOLS DO IT. It's like watching a football game with zero highlights that ends in a tie. Three downs and punt. Three downs and punt. Three downs and punt. Last night I found myself tossing on my couch pleading with either candidate to do something other than punt.

If we're to believe the polls it appears the American people are finally having the primal reaction of looking where they're at, seeing who has been in power for the last decade, and saying "you've had how long to make my life better? Time to give these other guys a chance." Forget the debates, forget the stances on foreign policy, and screw the details because we all know he specifics are the first thing to go after inauguration day. Who got us to where we are today and what possible reason is there to give them a chance to fix it?


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