My Dream Car

My Uncle Steve rebuilt a 1972 (maybe 74) Dodge Challenger, this black beastly super cool muscle car, and I love it. If I ever have the space or means to rebuild a car I want it to be the one you see above; a 1972 Lamborghini Espada. Now you may be think it is the ugliest thing you have ever seen but I'm sorry this car to me just seems so visually counter to everything Lamborghini is today that I can't get enough of it.

The pictures you see are from a Espada that I found for sale online. To see the sexy beast I saw check out this video.

And even though I don't think it is as cool... around the corner from my dream car was the second fastest car in the world. Take a look at the Koenigsegg Model CCX. If you have 1.7 Million bucks it's yours.


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