God Works in Mysterious (and Delicious) Ways

Yesterday was a great freaking day. It started out slow, I was feeling kind of blah, but then something amazing happened. A friend reminded me it was free cone day at Ben & Jerry's. After I got off work at 1p I went straight to Ben & Jerry's in Jack London Square to get a delicious cone of their Half Baked. Could there be anything sweeter? How about a two-fer! That's right, Baskin Robbins isn't gonna let B&J get all the good publicity. Infact, they are trying to do them one better. Yes free ice cream is a damn tasty treat, but 31 cent scoops with the money going to charity is pretty sweet as well. That's right, I'll be there getting my fair share of the creamy dreaminess.

Got to love free snack give aways! However, couldn't these companies do something better with their lost profits? Why not just give away the equivalent of those lost returns to a country that is in serious need of some food. I mean nothing brings the tempurature on a hot day than a cone but some kid dying in the street could probably use it more than me. Back to work!


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