Tomorrow is the Day

I'm finally going to see The Dark Knight. I worked this morning, and I'm putting in some overtime at KCBS making sure that a new web writer understands how to use the webcode and the whole uploading process (so basically she does all the hardwork and I watch over her occasionally to say "No, you need to convert the audio from Wav to Mp3." Hardwork). So 13 hours of work on a Monday adds up to what? A free day tomorrow and a date with Batman, Joker, Harvey Dent, THE WHOLE GANG! I spit in the face of sleep deprievation.

So what if I'm a month late to the party, I am still getting to it before it leaves the silver screen. Tomorrow is going to be pretty sweet. Finish up some a few wedding goodies, do some drawing for a childrens book, work on the wedding tunes, and Batman. Today is kind of like cramming before a big test. I'm shoving as much work as possible into today so I can do something important the following day. So awesome.

Oh and tomorrow I turn 26. Yowza!


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