Dark Knight Takes It All

Browsing through my reader this morning an interesting article popped up. 13 days into its box office run the Dark Knight has taken in close to 350 Million bucks, so people are wondering if it has the stones to take down the big one... Titanic.

That's a pretty tall order. Pretty boy Leonardo Dicaprio and a mirage of a great story destroyed the box office en route to 600 Million domestic bills. At the time people were calling it the best movie ever made, now looking back thats pretty hilarious, but it did push it into a couple of the top oscars.

Similar to Titanic, the Dark Knight is crushing the American hype-o-sphere. everyone has been loving this film since Heath's ravaged mug hit the net over a year ago. Colleges have probably already started devising marketing class ciriculum. Most advertising campaigns suffer from a public backlash but with The Dark Knight redefining viral marketing, we weren't given the opportunity to get sarcastic. The building anticipation help The Dark Knight's take turn into a record breaker.

Now while I'm a Marvel guy, Batman breaks that barrier like no other comic character. All the possibilities this movie has before are truly exciting. Of course Leder has the oscar buzz, than there's Eckhart as supporting actor (the heart of the film), and than you gotta consider Nolan for director two great performances and spurring the whole deal, plus there is screenplay adaptation because you can't be this well received and not give credit to the way someone revisioned the source material. So right now the obvious noms are actor, supporting actor, director, screenplay adaptation, and what does that all add up to? BEST MOVIE.

I'm calling it now. I don't see what else has a chance. This filmhas I like to call the Return of the King factor. The Academy denying the films greatness would kill the organizations credility as a governing body.

If you've been following along you most likely know I have not seen the film yet. Yes, I know its funny that I would spend so much time discussing a films greatness when I have yet to see it; however, when every single person you know says the movie is amazing, I am willing to take their word for it. I MUST SEE THIS MOVIE TONIGHT!


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