Bright and Early

May I be the first to wish you a happy Independence Day. That's right, I'm working. you should know by now THE SHOW MUST GO ON! Just because you're kicking back with a beer and a brat, that doesn't mean there isn't important information to desiminate to the masses...

Who am I kidding? I would give my cornias to be sleeping in right now. Major national holiday and I wake up at 3a... lame-o-rama... I'm just hoping that I get home in time to get a little sleep before my parents show up.

Hey, but work the 4th and get the weekend off right? Eh... no. I'm be manning KCBS tomorrow and Sunday 8a-4p so my weekend is pretty much dominated by the broadcast news industry. It may sound like I am complaining (well I am complaining... give me a break its early), but I was asked to cover these shifts and gladly accepted. In reality I am a grunt and if I ever want to move up, covering holidays and saying yes to all shifts is the way to go. I mean I've been here just under a year and I am inches away from becoming a news photographer. That's exciting stuff.

Okay, so I hope your bed is delicious and your weekend is restful. I'm in the middle of a 11 day work stretch. Wish me luck. Peace!


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