Listening to Bloc Party

Union Station was bult originally in 1881 and while it has gone under several renovations (the most recent being 1992) it still has the worst heating and cooling system in the nation. Saturday the high temp was 14 degrees, I am guessing it was roughly 15-20 degrees at my desk and I had to sit in it for 6 hours.

Sitting for 6 hours in 20 degree weather is as close to hell as I've ever come, and I've eaten dog food from a can.

20 degrees is only the intro. Sunday the high in town was 4 degrees and yesterday it got up to -1. Sunday I was only there for three hours but good lord it was harsh.

Random notes:

I randomly started reading Our Band Could be your Life and Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs again this week. Highly reccommended. While I find Klosterman to somewhat of Proud Past-romanticizing Ego maniac, he comes up with good theories about random crap and has a few great stories. If you don't care about music or his love for basketball atleast read the chapter in Fargo Rock City about his magically inflating checking account.

Now Our Band Could be your Life is a great recounting of the underground scene of the 80s. Of course I didn't experience any of that music and still haven't heard about 95% of the music in the book but once again, great stories that, if true, are the coolest things I have ever heard about. I'm rambling.

New Bloc Party came out today A Weekend In The City. This group makes me want to shake my ass. Their album is a good mix of rock and electronica. I want to see these guys live. okay peace out.


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