Bonehead & Ongoing Philmont Work

Everywhere my mac goes, my external hard drive goes with it. Smart people edit video from an external drive. Those same people also don't leave their drive at home when they are planning on editing a bunch of footage over the course of the day. Well I guess I'm in the catagory of dumb people... I left my drive next to my printer. I'm really rollin on this Philmont video. I've cut up all the principle footage and I'm in the process of arranging it. Well I guess that is all gonna have to wait until after my nap today. Sucks...

On a related topic I have been watching other people's Philmont treks and just falling in love. Check out this picture slideshow trek from 1986:

If I have a son I wont push him into scouts but if he does go that route I really hope to go back to Philmont. Such a cool place.

In my Philmont reminicising I have been thinking about go old Troop 78. I started searching around the web and can't find any info on them. Troop 202 (the troop from across I-35) has a website, nothing for 78. If they still exist I doubt I know any of the kids or families involved today, but I want them to have a copy of our Philmont trek. I think some of things we did down there would inspire 78 scouts to backpack. Maybe I could have like a screening or something... I don't know. We're coming in at about 1 hour and 46 minutes for the feature material that's longer than the traditional scout meeting. My main goal is to atleast have a premier where all the guys from the trek watch it together (and maybe record like a commentary track from anyone interested). Some people may be too cool for scouts now but I will always miss it.


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