Your's would be too... if you were a man.

If you've seen Superbad, you know what that's about. I just watched it and funny shhhh-tuff. I never really got into Arrested Development. Maybe it was poor timing or whatever but it wasn't my thing. I'm just not sure why Mr. Teen Wolf 2.0 was such a big deal? Because he was the main charactor? As far I can tell he acts every part the same way. He's a white Denzel Washington.

As far as I can tell the only person who truly works from that show is Michael Cera. After seeing Superbad and Juno, I'm pretty sure he is the funniest kid to hit the screen in a long time. Now I know he didn't carry either movie but when he's on screen his lines are hysterical. I could quote them but out of context they carry no weight. I only bring him up because his delivery is so great its hard to tell if he's ad-libbing or just running the script. Michael Cera plays the awkward, hesitant weirdo perfectly. I guess you just have to hope and pray he avoids typecasting like the plague. You could easily see him turning into someone similar to Eugene Levy (The American Pie dad). Okay that's it, go see Superbad, if you haven't. Just know it is extremely crude.


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