Nothing Against Clinton...

But What experience is she talking about?

"Edwards served a single term in the Senate. Obama served eight years in the Illinois state Senate and is halfway through his first term in the U.S. Senate. Clinton is about to begin her eighth year in the U.S. Senate. Going by years spent as an elective official, Obama's 11 years exceeds Clinton's seven, which in turn exceeds Edwards' six. But it's a silly calculus. They all come out about the same, even when you factor in Clinton's youthful work on the House judiciary committee's impeachment inquiry, her membership on the board of the Legal Services Corp., her chairmanship of the Arkansas Educational Standards committee, her crafting of an unsuccessful national health-care bill, and her sharing Bill Clinton's bed most nights while he was Arkansas governor and president of the United States."

Thanks an excerpt from this article.

I think she is perfectly fine by me and she was hanging with the politicos during Bill's presidency however... She wasn't a politician. Maybe a glorified lobbyist. At this point I'm still flipping a coin for Edwards and Obama.


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