Suddenly I am Supporting the Right

Chuck Grassley isn't such a bad guy after all. He may be a right wing small government crazy but at least he is not a religious zealot. Need proof? Incase you are too lazy to click the link here is a small excerpt:

"In November, Grassley, who serves as ranking minority member on the Senate Finance Committee, ramped things up a bit. He announced that he is seeking detailed financial information from six mega-ministries, Long's among them.

The move sent shock waves through the evangelical community. Grassley is a conservative Republican whose votes on social issues usually please the Religious Right. (His 2006 rating from the Family Research Council was 87 percent.) But the senator has long had an interest in preserving the integrity of the tax laws and has in the past complained about secular non-profits violating the law."

I am loving this. One church sited has a pastor (Bishop Eddie Long) making close 1 million a year and driving a 350k dollar Bentley. That is disgusting.

While, I am not a fan of many positions of organized religion I can understand the idea of poverty as a way of life. While it was probably set up as a way to get peopel to give their money to the church and make jerks like this rich, if the preacher can "practice what he preaches" I can respect that. People like Bishop Eddie Long, who exploit the prayers, hopes, and beliefs of their followers have an espcially painful portion of hell waiting for them.


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