
Showing posts from January, 2008

Quentin's Mind

This makes me want to watch his entire producing/writing/directing catalogue back to back, take notes, and compare. I love this short. Shot beautifully. I would embed the video but I'm having serious issues with the code. So since I don't want to waste the post, here is a link to the Oscar Nominated song "Falling Slowly" from the movie Once . I loved this film. If you're musician/songwriter, you need to watch this film.

On a Quest

The Monk's Kettle has lit a fire under my ass. I should have not to go all the way to the mission to enjoy a tasty beverage of an unusual variety. I have read some interviews with the Moonlight Beer guy, and he has started me off with a couple places to check out: Lanespillter and Mr. Cato's . Now these websites don't tell me much... I mean both have pictures and look kind of slick... I mean website aesthetics don't tell you everything but The Monk's Kettle website says a lot just by the look. Indie chic-ish. I guess Yelp can help me out but only so much. People's opinions only help so much. I check back in later to let you know where I'm at. P.S. I'm not an alcoholic, just enjoy some tasty stuff.

Premature Congratulations

Let me take you all the way back to Tuesday 17th. Why? Because a little something called the hype machine and viral marketing world was in full effect making the American movie consumer wet their pants over what was to be the greatest monster movie debut since the Stay Puft Marsh Mellow man crept across the screen in the mid eighties. All weekend movie blogs were wetting their pants over the box office possibilities 40 million dollar weekend predictions and questions over Cloverfield being the best movie of the year... Welcome to January 27th. In Cloverfield's second weekend in theatres the numbers have come in and what we find is JJ Abrams panicing to get his mom in the multiplex. Cloverfield opened and destroyed the theatres: 41 million dollars. The biggest January weekend pull ever. It's second week? 12.7 million. That is barely 30 percent of its gaudy opening weekend. What happened? I guess people decided an hour and a half of shaky cam wasn't worth 10 bucks a ticket. ...

Come Super Tuesday...

...I'm voting for Barack Obama. Here's why.

Wedding Music

Some may be in the know here, but for Marieta and my wedding, I am writing all the music for the ceremony (minus a couple of catholic mass things). It is something I have always wanted to do. It's pretty challenging, and personally I find it a touch demanding. There are a lot of elements at play. When you play in a band you could care less about what people think about your tunes (well that's not entirely true). The songs you write are the songs you write and if you attract an audience kudos. Basically you may be playing for no one, but if you do have an audience chances are those people want to hear your tunes. That's not the case with this. This is the first time I am writing with an audience in mind, wedding goers. The music needs to fit the mood of the situation and not be off putting to those listening. No one will be attending our wedding with the specific reason of listening to my tunes. It's kind of like when you go see a movie. Tim Burton movies are notorious...

Double Chick Flick Weekend

This weekend, better known as "Double Chick Flick Weekend," was pretty sweet. I found out about a pretty sweet documentary this past Thursday; The Business of Being Born . Now this sounds like a scathing look at hospitals and the way healthcare is set up in America. Well partially... but that was all a side bar to the main idea of Midwifery/homebirths vs. hospital births. There was absolutely no way I would have found of about this film if it wasn't for It's not that cinematical has this far reaching eye for film (yes they're great but some deeply independent stuff seems to slip by) but this movie has no marketing budget. Let me give you the trailer: Now this may be completely off putting to any one who has a y chromosome but dude, you are totally missing the point. Yes you're gonna see my births up close and personal. you're gonna see some goo and bloody babies. But it is really amazing. Especially the first birth they show on camera. No...

End the War

Maybe we'll look like international jerks... but don't we already? check this out: Just so you read it I'll put it all here. From Scholars and Rogues , here is "Getting us out of Iraq can Get us Out of Recession" "The American Prospect’s Harold Meyerson has an op-ed in the Washington Post today outlining the nature of the coming recession, and how our economic response is going to have to change if we’re to fix it. “Wait,” you’re thinking, “is he saying we’re in recession? Surely not! I know it’s a worry, but no one’s actually said it’s official yet.” Let’s take a look at the facts, then: Citigroup, America’s largest bank, has been hit with a staggering $10 billion in losses this quarter. Naturally, the company is doing what all companies do as a first response to crisis– cutting thousands of jobs –and is begging foreign investors to pump cash into its reserves to keep it solvent. Countrywide, America’s largest lender, reported spikes in delinquencies and fo...

One Stupid Move and I'm out 250 bucks

Son of a donkey! Marieta and I come home from Brunch (1:50p) and I park my car right in front of my building because I am about to leave for work. Last weekend I worked here and I showed up at 2:45 when I actually wasn't supposed to work until 4 so I check before I head out the door. Hooray! I don't work till 4. I have some time to kill. I see Marieta off and leave my car for the extra hour. I head out to my car at 3 and it's been towed. Mother Funking, Son of a Biscuit, Piece of Monkey Dung. Well I am gonna be late for work. I run to the bus stop a quarter mile away (in jeans and a jacket). I over pay by three bucks (I only have a five and I'm in a hurray) and get on the bus. Some kid in front of me sits down and puts his feet on the seat in front of him without me seeing that. I sit down on his feet. He freaks and says "Get off my shoes punk." I ask if he will move his shoes. He says He "aint movin his shoes." I say well this is where I can sit and...

Nothing Against Clinton...

But What experience is she talking about? "Edwards served a single term in the Senate. Obama served eight years in the Illinois state Senate and is halfway through his first term in the U.S. Senate. Clinton is about to begin her eighth year in the U.S. Senate. Going by years spent as an elective official, Obama's 11 years exceeds Clinton's seven, which in turn exceeds Edwards' six. But it's a silly calculus. They all come out about the same, even when you factor in Clinton's youthful work on the House judiciary committee's impeachment inquiry, her membership on the board of the Legal Services Corp., her chairmanship of the Arkansas Educational Standards committee, her crafting of an unsuccessful national health-care bill, and her sharing Bill Clinton's bed most nights while he was Arkansas governor and president of the United States." Thanks an excerpt from this article . I think she is perfectly fine by me and she was hanging with the politicos du...

No Way to Start the Weekend

Bad mood brewing over here. Walked out of Hertz around 2 today and dropped my headphones somewhere in the city. Gone. Came to KPIX and the days I requested off (Sunday and Monday) I got scheduled for. That sucks. There really is no reason otherwise. The perk of being freelance here is that you ask for any day off, no reason needed, you get it... For some reason I didn't get these days off. This is not a good way to start the weekend.

RSS Feeds have Infected my Life

My Reader amasses over a thousand posts a day. Try as I might, I can not possibly enjoy 1000+ points of interest from across the web in one day. News, Music, Video, Politics, Art, etc. I am all over the place. However; my favorite will always be craziness from across the web. My recent obsession is The Morning News . Kind of a misnomer because they update throughout the day and add links in the afternoon as well. Bastards... only not... check this out. When I was a kid I always said I wanted to have a tree house. I'm not talking about a small platform where I could pretend to be a tree pirate and throw things at girls who pass by (although that would have been super fun). What I am talking about is a full size house in the trees. Well it turns out I'm not alone . Chills man, up and down my body. Should I take this as a sign? 4treehouse is my favorite by far. It kind of looks like a space ship hanging in the trees. Recently I have been thinking a lot about my career and how it ...

Still Funny

There are few shows that can maintain the same level of sweetness over 10 plus years. Simpsons couldn't do it, Friends tanked in the last season and Seinfeld, while still awesome, is nearly a completely different show by the end. Plus, I'm not sure it was 10 seasons long. The best example of a show that produces belly laughs from start to finish is South Park. Since I moved from working for Hertz in the east bay to the city I have worked with a new group of people. One of my current coworkers recently brought up South Park it occurred to me that South Park is fantasgreat from Season One up through today Season Eleven. I was never really a big fan of it (possibly because of all the horrible t shirts and catch phrases that came of the show) but the storylines and messages are comic genius. Head over to to check out every episode from season to see catch some highlights. I don't have any favorite episodes but I did just watch a couple of funny ones; "The List...

Suddenly I am Supporting the Right

Chuck Grassley isn't such a bad guy after all. He may be a right wing small government crazy but at least he is not a religious zealot. Need proof ? Incase you are too lazy to click the link here is a small excerpt: "In November, Grassley, who serves as ranking minority member on the Senate Finance Committee, ramped things up a bit. He announced that he is seeking detailed financial information from six mega-ministries, Long's among them. The move sent shock waves through the evangelical community. Grassley is a conservative Republican whose votes on social issues usually please the Religious Right. (His 2006 rating from the Family Research Council was 87 percent.) But the senator has long had an interest in preserving the integrity of the tax laws and has in the past complained about secular non-profits violating the law." I am loving this. One church sited has a pastor (Bishop Eddie Long) making close 1 million a year and driving a 350k dollar Bentley. That is disgu...

Occasionally I'm up late

4p-1a. that's my shift today (tonight [this morning]). When having a sub-sub thought do you need both ending parenthesises? . . . hm . . . Anyways! Another post to pass the time. Maybe it's late or I'm going crazy but I found blog with possibly the greatest concept in the history of time: Overheard in New York . That's right, everything they post is a tidbit from a convo overheard in NYC. God that is freaking great. While reading through their crap I found something that absolutely, positively, must be shared! Submitted for your approval: Girl #1: Did you know that there's a cheeseburger that costs a thousand dollars? Girl #2: What is it made out of? Panda meat? Original Post And since I'm lifting goods why not toss this one on here (including the title they used for the piece): Hot Chicks Can Use Anything As a Pick-Up Line Guy #1: Thank God we cant get pregnant. Guy #2: Yes! [Slaps high-five.] Drunk girl: Normally I'd slap you five, but I stopped taking bir...

This is too cool not to share

Thank you creatures in my head, you make my life so full of fun. Obviously I'm working otherwise there would not be random postings on a Saturday evening. I know the title of the new link in "gotta love the internet" may be consider obscene... but you know what. Life is obscene.

Pork is delicious

Something quick and cute

So Rich, Yet So Cool

Babbling Scribe Podcast duex

Right Click on the name of this post and click "Save Link As" to download this podcast. Of course if you haven't caught on yet, reading my blog in Google Reader will post this audio in a stand alone player, so do it already! Okay, I got three hours of sleep last night (I went to bed at 9 and couldn't fall asleep until 11). My shift at Kpix today is 3a-1p... Don't tell anyone but this might call for coffee. Incase you don't know. I hate coffee. Topics in the Podcast: 1) How I met your Mother 2) Links around the web 3) College Football is not a sport and of course I play some good tunes. Enjoy the podcast.

Dominate Right Brainer

I have tried and tried and tried but I cannot get this chick to spin counter clockwise. I am pure right brainer. (Marieta can do both... she is smarter than me)

Your's would be too... if you were a man.

If you've seen Superbad, you know what that's about. I just watched it and funny shhhh-tuff. I never really got into Arrested Development. Maybe it was poor timing or whatever but it wasn't my thing. I'm just not sure why Mr. Teen Wolf 2.0 was such a big deal? Because he was the main charactor? As far I can tell he acts every part the same way. He's a white Denzel Washington. As far as I can tell the only person who truly works from that show is Michael Cera. After seeing Superbad and Juno , I'm pretty sure he is the funniest kid to hit the screen in a long time. Now I know he didn't carry either movie but when he's on screen his lines are hysterical. I could quote them but out of context they carry no weight. I only bring him up because his delivery is so great its hard to tell if he's ad-libbing or just running the script. Michael Cera plays the awkward, hesitant weirdo perfectly. I guess you just have to hope and pray he avoids typecasting like...

Inspired by Others

Digg and Truehoop have inspired. Both places you can find itemized links and they updated everyday. Well I am not gonna do this everyday but I will add things I love on the left now from on and switch them out regularly. I figured after my last post that I should not crap up my blog with a thousand random links in assorted posts. I would rather have you notice out of the corner of your eye the silliness that keeps me smiling. (I can't promise all links will be hilarious, only interesting) You can find these links on the left here in a new part called "gotta love the internet."


I missed my purpose in life . Bill O'Reilly is not smart

Not Sure How to Take This

My car is gonna be okay... hmm... I have been thinking about this for like a week and I was kind of hoping they would just total the thing. The damages added up to just over four grand. I know you're probably looking back a couple posts to ask how that ding could add up to $4,000. Well it sounds like its all about the placement. Quarter panels are easy to replace or match it seems and trunk damage just sucks and I am sure you can figure out why. I just kind of figured I don't drive it as much anymore... I don't know I just rolled through some situations in my head and I guess I had just made my peace with its death. Anyways next Thursday or Friday I should have the Rolla back in my possession. Hooray... I guess. In other words, I still love Brad Pitt and this bit of news about his forthcoming film really amps me up.

Posting at 6:45am

Woke up at 3am today. That's right, I'm not crazy, just trying to make a living. The morning shift of news starts 4am for Productions Assistants. Hey, it could be worse! If you're a writer there are a couple shifts that start at 12pm (1am if you're slow). I have no complaints about it. Those who have been around me early in the AM know I can get up and go. I don't like to say I'm a morning person, I prefer "anytime you need" person. Quotes? why not. It seems like the morning crew is a little more light hearted as well. I guess news breaks after the market opens so at 5, 6am you have no reason to be hardcore. I think News Year day is my new favorite holiday. Labor days you cook out, Memorial day you camp and swim, July 4th you go check out fireworks, but New Years day the only real thing is take the day off and chill. It's not really a family holiday. Just kind of a take the day off and do as you will day. I love it. With that in mind, I did plenty ...