Declaring my Interweb Dominance
You probably know that I'm big on posting little videos on the web. Well it seems only fitting that with my 500 Babbling Scribe post I declare my web video dominance! Why may you ask? View Count. Okay, so I'm not viral but I'm close. Earlier this month I discovered this little contest on Lonely Planet's youtube channel where you post "My Journey" videos. So I used the video I shot from our honeymoon and entered a "My Journey- Kauai" piece. Care to watch? No? well too bad. Well, I made that pretty quick just to toss my hat in for a chance at the top prize (a week trip in San Francisco and other treats including a sweet camera). I still figure it is a shot in the dark that I will take home that prize but dudes... As I publish this post that video has 9,946 views! That's incredible. The closest I have ever come to an amount like that is my crappy video of fireworks in Chicago from three years ago, and that video only has like 3k or so. I guess peop...