Videos Are Fun

In the past two weeks I have posted close to 10 different videos on the web. Most of which no one outside of our families care about but I think it's pretty cool. Heck our Bring Your Own Big Wheel 2009 adventure has been viewed close to 100 times. That's pretty cool. Those random people probably didn't watch it to see Marieta and I do our thing but I don't care. Our videos aren't for them. One day we'll be 90 years old and be able to relive basically our whole lives based off whats posted on our family webpage. Freaking Delicious will even help us relive the places where we've eaten out (there's 10 episodes on there now! Check it out!)

We've been all over the place in the last month. Pescadero, Ano Nuevo, the big wheel dealie, running around the bay with my parents, and most recently we danced around a couple San Francisco parks. I know it's nothing terribly exciting... but there are some beautiful flowers. I'll leave you with that video. Peace out.


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