Something Old, Something New

After a year of waiting I finally got to see this movie. Anvil: The Story of Anvil. If you are lucky you will get a chance to see this film. Relying most on buzz and their small scale distrubution this film is killing everywhere. I could keep talking but I think at this point you should probably just watch the trailer.

This trailer is cool but after watching this film I have come to the conclusion anyone who has been or is currently in a band should watch this. Being in a band is bigger than a romantic relationship (as it is so often compared). When you break up with someone you hard hurt (some destroyed) but chances are you'll find someone new. For many people when their band breaks up, that is it. Rockin on stage is a drug that can't be replaced. Sometimes you care if the crowd is into it but mostly you just want to rock. This film embodies that idea. These two guys are so addicted they don't listen to the hoards of people around them who say their dream is dead. The two main guys - Robb and Lips - have never and will never say die. Maybe that makes them sad to some but to people who will never hear the roar of the crowd as they run out on stage... we understand. Great slice of life.

Now the old. I rarely get out to see movies much anymore. Back in college I saw everything that looked cool. Now I wait for about 85% of flicks to come on DVD. Such is the case with Wanted. Can't say I missed much. The film is fun and action packed and I don't even care that the plot is nonexistent and absurb. No, what I care about is the source material. Wanted the comic is about a fraternity of Supervillians who run the world after banding together and killing all the superheros. Wanted  the film... a fraternity of assassins who kill people based off fate. Why do movie studios demand to make films based on source material and then piss all over it. If they wanted to make this movie why didn't they just make it and save the title and characters for an actual Wanted film? Garbage.

One quick house keeping note: the map above all posts is a Google updated Swine Flu map. All the confirmed and suspected cases of swine flu from all around the world will be posted there. Let's watch and see if this is the end of the world. Map this time next week that map will be pin points all over the continental globe and we will see mass rioting and looting. Maybe it's time to start stockpiling molotov cocktails. Personally I agree with CNN... it's all twitters fault.


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