A Not So Relaxing Holiday

A couple years ago Marieta and I invited both of our families to Chicago for a big ole Thanksgiving dinner. It was massive. Like a 20 lbs bird and probably close to a dozen, if not more, sides. I would put it on Marieta loving to cook but I am not sure that is correct. I think I suggested the whole both families idea and she just went along with the idea. Last year we went lofi and just drove down to L.A. for thanksgiving with my family. This year? we're taking the beast by the horns, again.

This time there are only five of us, and the bird is considerably smaller, but Marieta still wants to make it special. New side dishes, two pies (I'm making a pear and apple pie), and this time everyone gets to stay at our apartment! Hooray! I'll post some pictures to let you in on the Turkey Day goodness. Rock n Roll.


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