El Cerrito, We Have Lift Off

Marieta and I have gotten the go ahead. May 22nd, we will start moving into our new apartment, and heaven of heavens, it has a washer/dryer in unit. Maybe this is foreign to some people but a good number of units in the bay area and Chicago were w/d less. Its pretty sad. HOWEVER! Marieta and I are no longer in that state and hopefully never will be again.

In other news, Marieta and I attended our first "Evenings for the Engaged." What is that? Well, couples who are gonna get married in a Catholic church have to go through these premarriage counselling type deals. Its basically a way for the church to make sure that couples are taking everything seriously and kind of see whats before them. By "what" I mean eternity and working to maintain a relationship. Sweet stuff. E-4-E (as it will now be known) is not really counseling as much as it is a chance for couples to speak with a married couple and other engaged people. It was a nice time. Took a Foccus test, where you answer like 150 questions and the church compares them with your s.o. to see if there are any red flags. the test basically asks questions about your expectations for marriage, sex, religion, kids, family, love, etc. Good times. They kept saying you'll be surprised at the questions you have never talked about in your relationship. EH... not so much. I felt that Marieta and I had kind of talked about most of the stuff on that test. But it was cool, looking forward to going back next week.

Tonight, I will see Iron Man... hopefully. Gotta see if the lady is up to it. She may knife my hopes and dreams in the stomach and let the guts fall all over the floor. I mean she is a girl and it is an action adventure comic book movie. I just hope she is down with it. I REALLY WANT TO SEE THIS FLICK TONIGHT! Or maybe tomorrow night. TOmorrow night may be more relaxed. I can wait one night. PEACE


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