Can the Democrats Carry the South?

Hillary is still in this thing, and she appears to be in it for the foreseeable future. How do I know? Well she leant her campaign another 6 million last month. I don't think you just start slinging bags of cash around a month before you drop out of the race. She is gonna hold out until the last super delegate declares. Live with it.

Last night Indiana and North Carolina held their primaries. What did they decide? Nothing... but they may have shown something quite interesting. Now I don't have any numbers but I have to believe that African American voters are coming out in numbers never seen before.

What inspires someone to vote? Issues? sure. Wars? yeah. Seeing yourself in a Candidate? Hell yes. Barack Obama appears to be someone who looks you in the eye and makes you want to grab a shovel and start digging. He makes you want get off the couch and get to work. He doesn't pander to black voters as the "Black" candidate. He doesn't wave his former drug use in our face to make himself "real." He doesn't talk about supposed experience or issues that won't get fixed. He talks about change. If you only see the sound bites (flag pins, rev. wright coverage, and daily stump speaches), and actually take the time to get past the pundits, you get the feeling he is talking about change in paradigm about how our government should be spending our time and money.

So yeah he is gonna carry the black voters in numbers never seen before, and as this election becomes Blue vs. Red, he'll carry the democrats (defecting to John McCrain is foolish). The part that makes liberals salivate is combining those two, that speaks to something greater; possibly carrying the south. Republicans have owned the southern "conservative" states since the LBJ. But with a Presidential candidate such as Obama bringing out the largest minority in the delegate rich south... watch yourself Republicans, your stronghold might cave.

Why did Obama lose California? Well to vote for a republican candidate in the primary to had to be a card carrying republican. If you weren't a registered republican and showed up to vote sorry but here's the republican ballet. Now let me use my dad as an example, because this happened to him. I can't vote for my candidate so I need to think stratgically: Who do I want my candidate to face? Barack Obama the guy who is inspiring or the person who divides people like no one other than George Bush? Count one republican vote for Hilary. If Hilary gets the nomination the family values debate would be blaring, and even though John McCain left his first wife for the one he is currently with, the republican candidate can mop the floor with a candidate whose husband is the most infamous adulturer in history.

So forget the "big" states, because that voting model is more popular than you think. It's beyond impressive that Barack wethered that storm to be the frontrunner. Imagine if Michigan and Florida had counted and Barack had ran a campaign there. He would have been popping open the champagne last night. So it's over Hillary. Super Delegates will start declaring like crazy. Obama is our man.

Now let's consider the latino vote... who do they appear to LOVE? Hmmm.... Can we say Barack/Hillary running mates...


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