California is Awesome

I wont lie to you. California does not disappoint. Unless your dream is to move out to Los Angeles and be a movie star, California will not disappoint you. How can I be so sure? There are just too many adventures, too many beautiful sites, too many awesome towns and cities, and even sitting on your but in California is better than sitting on your butt anywhere else.

What prompted this statement? I'm glad you asked.

These are pictures from our trip down to San Simeon for Mothers Day. So cool. Hearst castle, beaches, tasty fish, good times with the parents, even wild turkeys! Check out the rest of our photos to see how wesome it truly was. I also took a bunch of video but that will take a little longer to get together for public display.

If someone told you that California wasn't the greatest place in the US, they obviously went to L.A. and no where else. There is just too much awesome to contain in one state. There is a reason 1 in 6 Americans have lived out here at some point in their lives. All right kids, I'll talk to you later.


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