Uploading Tear

This is ridiculous. How old are those boys? 14 and 15 years old. I know what you're thinking. Why put this on the internet? Well lets just say it is so bad... that its good. Meow, made back in 97 from an idea of Brian Hogan's. He plays the villian Chuck Bruce (named after the notorious school bus driver), Chris is Frank, and Elliot is th Private Eye. I am mainly behind the camera with only an off screen cameo in the early going. You guys gotta let me know if this even remotely funny.

Is there even earlier stuff? Oh yeah there is. Mostly embarassing video of Chris and I shooting hoops in 7th grade and blowing up peanut butter with firecrackers. I wont waste bandwidth with that garbage; however, know that if I have it on tape, it will most likely end up on the net.... mwa hahaha! Another note on Viddler before I go, isn't that interface really clean? Can you tell how I fall in love with a website and have trouble letting go? Peace


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