Three Films and a Story Board

Tonight is the night! Opening Night... Be Kind Rewind, the soon to be immortalized Jack Black filmspoofnig head tripping comedy. My expectations are so, so high... Normally that worries me, but I have heard nothing but good buzz for the film and praise for the director Michal Gondry. Last night I saw the trailer for the 1,372nd time, and besides the voice over, I still get excited by it.

Marieta on the other hand had her usual to say "I'm not gonna lie honey... it looks pretty stupid." Oh babe, why can't you live in the sam earea of childish excitement that I do? I guess one of us needs to be an adult... no, I don't believe that! Adult Schmadult! I'M A TOYS R US KID!

I've been reading that thanks to Focus and New Line (the distributors) decision to release B.K.R. in stages, or "select cities," it's not expected to be in the top five releases this weekend. Now I just recently turned into a full fledged film fanactic so I don't know why a studio would do this... isn't this the art house treatment? Don't know if the investment is worth a thousand screens? Someone needs to explain to the entire marketing scheme for this film. It's as if since the film doesn't easily fit into a hollywood mold the studios have pancied and forced it into a marketing setup that doesn't quite jive.

Isn't Hollywood full of PR, Marketing, and creative geniuses? The TV ad campaign serves as case and point. If you've seen the ads with the voice over guy doing his thing you more than likely were turned off. Shouldn't a film be able to explain itself without the 80's rehash voice over? Didn't that treatment go out with Days of Thunder? With Jack Black perfectly cast as a wacky Miss Daisy and Robocop should be enough.

Okay so this is getting long and I'm probably losing you, so quickly, I started watching Smoking Aces the other day, and got through 2/3s before I had to skate. Not a horrible move but it is apparent this film deserved a better director. The entire feel of the film was off. What should have been in the guy ritchie feel almost felt like a light hearted comedy. I gotta finish it. The last thing I saw was Ray Liotta getting shot up in an elevator.

Yesterday after my post am shift nap I took in V For Vendetta. That was a great film. Kind of lost some steam in the resolution though. Great storyline and pace pretty much until we see V underground with Creedy and Sutler. I don't understand why Creedy would do what he did. I don't want to spoil it for you. Check her out if you are lame like me and wait three years to see awesome films.

Finally, I have two different storyboards drawn up for our trailers for Save the Date and Invites. I was stoked to shoot some this weekend, but damn it! It's raining. I'm trying to think of ways to shoot this in the rain. It might actually work better for one of them... but how to convince Marieta to stand in the rain... Okay, it's 7am pacific time. Love you turds.


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