Ahead of the Curve

The west coast wont be able to see who wins the grammys or what the performances look like until 8p but guess what? I get the in house east coast feed here at KPIX. Nice little perk. Time Travelling was the working name of this post but you know what? That's not what is going on here. Should I spoil the awards show for my west coast friends? nah. I'll leave that to big fancy pants conglomerates like Mtv and Cnn. I will say the Foo Fighters did pretty for themselves. But the grammys are always a load. Each catagory goes to the easy picks. They don't challenge themselves to find the truly great tunes. Lame.

In other news I have worked 5 hours of a 16 hour shift! Barack Obama is kicking ass and takign names! And this morning I went for a 2 hour bike ride with my beautiful fiancee! Rock!

Oh that reminds me. If you want to check out what we look like engaged, check out these pictures. Login name: Marieta and Pat Password: 13068. Once you get past all the log in garbage click on the link on the left of the first photo that says "Webshow" and it will show you a slide show. peace!


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