Seriously, the greatest weekend of my college life.

Okay so the weekend started on Thursday but damn it man, I HAD FUN!!!! Holy crap, in case you don't know Jordan and Bethany (two of my best friends in the whole world) got married this yesterday and starting on Thursday night we all hung out and rocked the Des Moines area like nobodies business.

Thursday was the rehearsal dinner and what not. A little stilted. People were just getting to know/meet each other. I had met some of the brides maids before but only friends with one. I was joking like nobodies business from the word go on Thursday. Keith, Scottie, Jordan, Jeremy, and Matt... what a combo. The rehearsal dinner was fun, great food and what not. Afterwords we went to a bar in Ankeny and took it over in our suits and ties. Great time. I stayed in Ames on Thursday.

Friday was another party with family and friends. The day started with another golf outing. I didn't shoot horribly, 57 on the front nine on a tough course I had never played before. I wanted to play the back nine but Jordan was tired, hung over, and shot the worst game of his life so we went back to his place so Scottie and him could take a quick nap before the party. It was fun. The party started at 7 and was held in the basement of the Stoney Creek Inn by Wynnsong Theatres. Zillions of people were there. I spent about 85% of my night playing games with Jordan's little sisters and cousins. We played little Sally Walker, hide and go seek, jump rope, and of course I let them ride me like a horse around the party after they put silly little pig tails in my hair. For those adults who didn't know what to make of the kid with plugs and unkept hair, I was now a hit. So many 30-60 years were suddenly my best friend. Of course I'm bad with names but great with faces so it was a lot of heys and whats up.
After the party some of us hit the pool and hot tub. I love hot tubs. I didn't bring my swim trunks but I did have my gym shorts that I sleep in. No draw string a little over sized... my undies were hanging out quite a bit. Who cares we're all semi-grown ups. I also relized something in the hot tub. I can put my foot behind my head now. All those crunches are good for something!
The night should have ended after the hot tub, but of course Jordan wanted to hit a bar and so we went out. I really wanted to hold to our original plan of capture the flag: Bride and Bridesmaids vs. Groom and Groomsman. But the guys wanted beer and the girls didn't say anything. BOOO!!! So we went out. I quickly wasted 20 bucks because jordan and scottie were instantly sick of the bar because the service sucked and the kitchen was closed, 7 bucks wasted. So we bought a case of beer 6 bucks wasted. came back to our room at 1, ordered pizza, my last 7 bucks gone. And we all ate a slice and passed out. Actually I was wide awake and everyone else passed out. I didn't much to drink that night so I wasn't crashing. 10 minutes after it fell dead silent Scottie starts snoring like a beached walrus operating a chainsaw. I was out of mind. Incase you don't know I can't, CAN'T stand snoring. So I laid there from 2 to 3 hoping he would stop. No dice. At three I got dressed and searched my car for ear plugs. I was so freaking lucky to find ear plugs at the very bottom of my arm rest stash spot. I conked out.

SATURDAY! THE WEDDING! Dude, I can't even begin to tell you how much fun yesterday was. Top to bottom I was in heaven. Everyone was in a great mood, the picture taking went smooth and was hilarious (if it wasn't a professional picture being taken I wasn't making a serious face). We did some in formal pics and one of them was my idea where we all huddled up and the camera lady laid on the floor below us and took a picture of us guys looking at jordan while he dished out a game plan. Holy shit, the best picture ever. I am gonna buy a blow up copy of it. We played in the park, I hob knobbed with the bridesmaids, did the ceremony, and then hit up a stretch excursion ride to the reception. So much fun. I just could not stop joking around. Everything I said was a little joke and god was I having fun.

The reception was great. They played the star wars theme while the wedding party was introduced to the reception. I rose my fist in the air and made a fool of myself when my name was called. After we were introduced I walked around and had a standard greeting for everyone I knew "Nice to see ya, glad you could make it ." It was a ridiculous night.
My speech went over really well, I got a lot of compliments. People were saying mine had good content and didn't ramble or have no point. Always a good ego booster. During the dinner and cake I sat between Bethany, the bride, and Sarah, the lovely bridesmaid.
Man I gotta say these were some beautiful bridesmaids. I had so much fun dancing all joking around. We danced from the moment the dance floor opened till the DJ packed up his show. It was freaking fun. I can't wait to see the pictures. I can't wait to show you all the pictures. I was a lively SOB. I danced with every girl around. Lent my vest to Marieta, another foxie bridesmaid. If Thursday was the "I don't know you but I smile at you" day, than Saturday night was the "You're fun as hell, let's dance" night.
The reception ended way early, 11 o'clock. Everybody went outside and smoked cigars. My first time smoking tobacco ever. They were Swischer Sweets (so not anything amazing) but they were fun to share. I got a great picture taken of me smoking a cigar with Marieta. After the cigars Bethany and Jordan went off to solidify the marriage and the rest of us went out to a bar. I mostly yaked and chilled with Sarah, Mandy and Marieta. We closed the bar, went to perkins and the night ended way after three. T'was a good evening.

Today we went to Bethany's parents house to watch the present opening and eat left over reception food. Good times had by all but damn my voice is shot. I need a night of nothing and nobody. I don't want to good times to end but for the sake of my voice I need some rest. I will post some pictures on here later so check back sometime. GOD IT WAS A GOOD WEEKEND!!! One that was baddly needed.


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