A little slow

So I was up pretty late last night and today I am crazilly (that can't be a word) lathargic (sp?). It's all good however. My dress shoes arrived today that I bought on Sunday. They are brown and go with my new suit. So I put it all on to try it out. The suit looks great. God I love this suit and I'm trying to figure out which tie works the best. So... here's a link to check out the suit (and ties) http://www.geocities.com/ryckblase/suitsvote.jpg

I realize the numbers look pretty shotty but who cares. I did it in paint... BLAH! What else is going on? OOH! Friday is a halloween pub crawl on Court Ave. It is gonna be awesome. Marieta, Jordan, Bethany, Chris, and Lisa. I had so much fun with all of them last weekend, this weekend is gonna be twice as cool because we'll be dressed up like idiots and rockin around Des Moines. I would tell you what I am gonna be but that would ruin the surprise and pictures I hope to take. I'll tell you what everyone is gonna be. Jordan= Han Solo, Bethany= A cat (she was gonna be princess laya (sp?) but couldn't find a good costume, Lisa= Nun, Chris= Monk, and of course I can't tell you Marieta because that would give away my costume. It's gonna be hilarious. I can't wait for this weekend! Saturday will consist of a cookie monster at cheddars, haunted houses all night, and a midnight showing of the Exorcist. I love halloween. Hey kids, I am gonna go back to bummin around. Leave me a comment or IM me (ryckblase) to tell me which tie you dig.


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