Pieces of April

So, I'm not a kate holmes fan. It's probably the fact she was on Dawson's Creek and is involved with Tom Cruise (nothing against Tom, but this relationship seems a little ridiculous). However, Pieces of April is a great movie. Let me bring you up speed; April (Kate Holmes) lives in New York City and invites her family up to visit her for Thanksgiving. She is kind of the black sheep of a disfunctional family and as the story is revealed you get the feeling that Dinner is going to be a disaster.

I highly reccommend this movie. It's crazy, got some good characters and it's independent. I just found out there is an independent film festival in Des Moinse next weekend. It's called the Wild Rose Film Fest. I really really want to check it out. I have never been to a film festival, I mean it's in des moines so no great expectations or anythign but I'm hopeful it's cool. I dont ahve any particulars on it but damn it I want to go. I'm gonna find out about this thing and get back to ya.

So yeah April's famly is way dysfunctional. I don't want to talk about it because you should see the movie but I do want to say thank God my family isn't dysfunctional. I mean we've had our periods of craziness and some of us have been a little nutty but we get along. I enjoy spending time with my family. April's family...wow, I hope my kids love and respect me. When I'm 45 and dealing with punk teenagers I want you to just slap me and say "one day they'll be 23 and be thankful you are their father." Indeed.

I have absolutely no focus power this week in class. All those assignments last week, Jordan's wedding, and just the craziness that normally follows closely behind me has amped my goofiness to the ceiling. I refuse to say A.D.D. what a bunch of shit man. When I lived in Michigan every other person said they were A.D.D. give me a break.

Today was mega laundry day. I had two weeks worth chilllin in my closet. smelled pretty funky, but don't worry it's gone now. Alright I'm running out of shit to talk about. I ran a 21.12 minute 5k today (go me, and go rush), and I weighed in at 191. 6 pounds from my goal and if I may say so, I'm looking pretty good. I will meet my graduation goal. Lean and cut. HEY! Check out my sister megans new site ( I just discovered it in her profile) http://students.ithaca.edu/~mboberg1/

She is looking like a million bucks. I'm gonna have to challenge her to see who looks better come thanksgiving (which is being held out in Cali, in my parents small cali apartment). Alright my minions, in the words of dirty mike: Don't stop till you get enough.


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