Kauai in Four Days

If I told you this Saturday we're gonna spend over 9 hours sitting in a tight, confined space soaking in other peoples germs I doubt you would envy me. Well what if I told you the reward for that disgusting immune system endurance test was spending a week in Hawaii? Now you're jealous. This Saturday Marieta and I will leave our mainland cares behind and will kick back with tropical drinks on the beautiful island of Kauai. I can hardly wait. If you're reading this on Facebook you already know how much of a jerk I've been about it, but in case you aren't down with the social networking I've been posting videos like this:

Since last week. I wont post a video of everything we're gonna do but here's a small list: Snorkeling, swimming in the ocean, hiking up mountains, going ot a lauau, taking a zipline tour of the mountains (back in the day I always said we should travel by zipline, life would be so much more fun), exploring the sugar tunnels of Kauai, and SO MUCH MORE. I doubt I'll be on the internet much of next week so you may not be able to live vicariously through my blog but if we do have the web at our resort... who knows. I should really leave the super highway at the airport on this trip... we'll see if my addiction gets the best of me. Aloha.


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