CBS 5 on the CW

So there are some big new things happening over KPIX (one of my three jobs). There is a new show at 10pm over on the CW. I'm not too sure about it.

First off, it's basically the 11 o'clock an hour earlier. So not only will this be "rehearsal" for the 11pm it will cyphen a portion of the viewers from the 11 who want to go to bed earlier. Thus both shows will look poor.

Second, who do they think is watching? The lead in program to the 10pm show was Girlicious. Not exactly family fun. Infact it is a a show for college kids, high schoolers, and twentysomethings. So when they see some middle-aged dudes in suits acting all professional following up their show about girls poledancing and flashing their goods what do they do? Flip the channel before we get the first word out.

In the short-to mildly long term I am not seeing this as a good thing. Infact I think it is off to a poor, poor start. If you want to attract advertisers to a cable network aimed at the 18-24 demographic you should probably taylor your program to that age group. Most of the people I know from 18-35 don't watch local news for their info; they watch the daily show, the internet, and as a last ditch cnn headline news. So if they want to make this work and add a little spice to the stew maybe change it up. Don't just clone the CBS news. I think this needs a mix of youtube, daily show, cnn, and vh1.

Cannot wait to see the ratings


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