SO Two Years Ago

So I talked to my buddy Corey for the first time in a couple of months today. We were talking and I realized I hadn't seen him since the day after graduation when I stopped by his place on my way out of Ames. While that is kind of incredible I realized that I haven't seen a lot of my friends in over a year, I haven't jammed out with anyone in well over a year (close to two), and while the last time I went to a show was New Years I wouldn't have gone if it wasn't for Jordan being in the band.

Who am I?

My Sophomore/Junior year of College (living in Friley or w/Jordan) I was obsessed with independent music, going to and buying movies, being actively searching for political news/viewpoints, and while I still loved basketball I didn't care very much about other sports. I mean I watched casually but now it's my main hobby (if sports enthusism is a hobby.) I do buy independent music still but I don't hunger for it like I did. I still love movies but I don't have to see every movie I am excited about in the theater, I still am interested in politics and current events but I am not outraged anymore. Have I mellowed out? am I growing up?

No. I don't think that's 100% correct. I can think of two things that changed me. A) my band died slowly and B) 2004 election. I loved playing on stage (and would give anything to still do it for a living) but after being in a band with four guys (one of whom was your best friend for about ten years) you realize that people never truly get on the same wave length. It's the reason bands eventually start to suck. I still think all those guys are great people but a band can't go on when it has two leaders, whose creative visions start to diverge and committment and talent levels are unequal. It's not a recipe for success, unless you're outkast.

So I realized the band was over and I unconsciously let my musical drive fade (I still write things and get inspired, just not to build a group and go for the gold). With that my other independent art tendencies faded as well (concerts, movies, etc.)

Now the 2004 election was a heartbreaker. I campaigned, went to rally's, conversed with those whose opinions differed from my own, but when we lost, I kind of gave up. That year I kind felt the sting of activism almost but all that push to come up empty made me more hesitant to act out of explicitly and now I'm weary to even get excited behind my political opinions. I still believe what I believed than but I don't need posters, shirts, books, and DVDs to get that point across.

Now, I'm a college grad, selling some guitars, kept a few books, go to a couple movies here and there, I'm in a serious relationship, and my former passions are relatively dormant. What a transformation.

These aren't negative observations just interesting. In the next year I hope to move, explore nature, get back into distance running shape, and maybe go back to school. Not disappointed in this shift but intrigued. hmmm... Old dreams, meet my goals. Maybe one day you'll mate things will really great crazy!


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