The Definition of Crazy: Dean Karnazes

So maybe you heard of this guy. Mr. Karnaze ran 50 marathons in 50 days earlier this year. The final marathon was of course the Manhatten Marathon, and when he finished the Manhatten Marathon he decided "hmm... that was fun, I'm just gonna run home." In case you're wondering where he lives... SAN FRANCISCO! That's right. He ran 26 miles * 50 consectutive days = 1300 miles. But that wasn't enough. He than decided why not run another 2,906 miles to California.

This man is an inspiration. He used to run like me. Pick it up every once in a while, get into it and eventually stop for for no reason. On his 30th birthday he was drunk and someone handed him a shot of tequila. He shot it and walked home. In his kitchen he saw his running shoes, laced em up and in the middle of the night decided to just run.

15 miles down the road in Daly City he realized he had been running for like 2 hours, drunk. He was amazed. He immediately thought I wonder how far I can run. His run ended in Santa Cruz, 35 miles away from San Fran. Called his wife, she came and got him and he is obsessed with running ever since. What an inspiration. The stories this guy has are boundless. Check him out.

What impact does this have on me? Well I went running predawn for the first time in my life today, and I plan on going running every weekday morning from now on. It's pretty incredible because while I woke up a little tired the run woke me up and I wasn't groggy all day. I feel pretty good about it actually. I am gonna keep this up. I have said this before but I am gonna run a marathon. Before we moved to Chicago I was running TEN MILE jaunts and now I'm back to two and a half. I am gonna get back to TEN miles, running a half marathon and push forward. I wont name the Marathon but I will run a marathon. rock? roll.


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