What we all know
Stop talking about Talladega Nights!! I can't take this anymore. Everybody knows that ESPN will shill anything on their network to make a buck; see Budweiser Hot Seat, Netzero inbox, Kia NBA shootaround, etc. seriously this list never ends). But they have found a new way to ruin their network for me. The not-so-subtle "product" placement. Talladega Nights has been out for like a week and a half now and every single show mentioned its release. Are you gonna go see it? doesn't it look funny? Will Ferral is a can't miss? ALL WEEK LONG!!! Considering I am unemployed I havea lot of time to kill waiting for a couple companies I've interviewed with to call me back and I spend a good deal of that time on ESPN. So I saw all of these salesmen selling Mr. Ferral. Only one person on the whole network didn't sound excited to see the show and he sounded so unexcited that he sounded disgusted to be talking abuot it. Come Monday after the release, his tune had completely changed.
Now I didn't want to talk about this until I started reading Bill Simmons mid summer movie review. Of course he review Talladega Nights and he gave it a B+, not as good a grade as he gave the Devil Wears Prada (A-), but he did give it at least a thousand words more than any other review. He loves Ferral so much he can't say enough about his brillance and Talladega. God it's sick. ESPN is a sell out. If they talk about it when the DVD is released than we'll know whats up. Then I'm thinking we grab our pitch forks and Spears and take this network down.
finally, I just want to show my bias. I don't like Will Ferrall, his acting (minus a perfectly inspired cameo Wedding Crashers) is really just a lot of shouting and acting like a moron. People say he was the perfect SNL star and is the funniest man alive. That is ridiculous! I have the same problem with him that I had with Adam Sandler in his early albums. He finds one stupid thing people laugh at and rides it to the bank. Sandler it was swearing, Ferrall its acting like a clueless retard. GEH!
Now I didn't want to talk about this until I started reading Bill Simmons mid summer movie review. Of course he review Talladega Nights and he gave it a B+, not as good a grade as he gave the Devil Wears Prada (A-), but he did give it at least a thousand words more than any other review. He loves Ferral so much he can't say enough about his brillance and Talladega. God it's sick. ESPN is a sell out. If they talk about it when the DVD is released than we'll know whats up. Then I'm thinking we grab our pitch forks and Spears and take this network down.
finally, I just want to show my bias. I don't like Will Ferrall, his acting (minus a perfectly inspired cameo Wedding Crashers) is really just a lot of shouting and acting like a moron. People say he was the perfect SNL star and is the funniest man alive. That is ridiculous! I have the same problem with him that I had with Adam Sandler in his early albums. He finds one stupid thing people laugh at and rides it to the bank. Sandler it was swearing, Ferrall its acting like a clueless retard. GEH!