I just cannot pick em

Okay so last night Marieta and I saw The Matador. Let me start by saying the Pierce Brosnan was freakign hilarious (and also very good), but this movie sucked. There was close to no reason to continue watching the flick. I never walk out theatres, I will sit in a theatre thinking "is this all I'm gonna get for my 6.25?" and invariably these movies never get better. The Matador was shot very well, it had a good idea to start (an assassin and the guy he kind of forces to help him), but it never freaking went anywhere. Yuck yuck yuck. We saw the Ice Harvest a while back and it had the same problem. Main actor was awesome but the story just deflated from the get go. Great Expectations.

Other things from the wide world of P@:

I rediscovered these:

Hello Panda little guys. Delicious junior Mint sized versions of E.L. Fudge. You need to get em at your local HyVee.

And I made my own frosting, delicious. Au Revoir


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