Strange Encounters

Do you remember the first time you met some of your goodfriends? I mean you just see them and think "we're gonna be good friends." I can run down the list and tell when I met pretty much all of my goodfriends. Dan Givens I met in first grade but we didn't become good friends until 4th grade. I knew in 4th grade we'd be best friends. I remember meeting Elliot in 3rd grade and him doing the thing where you get a week to be the special kid in class and telling us about his brother and he had this handheld mic w/speaker built in. I thought he was cool as shit and sure enough in 5th grade we became good friends. I remember being introduced to Chris in 5th grade, he was new at westridge wearing overall alls with one of the straps undone (stylin it). Ben I met in 3rd grade, Mrs. Woodward's class, Wags I met in 4th grade and our first interaction was swinging on the swingset at recess talking about NFL teams with hot cheerleaders (4th cool). I remember meeting Jared in 9th grade choir and thinking this kid seems cool, we need to be friends. I remember running into Kim in 9th grade in the hallway, knocking her over and thinking "wow, that girl is cute." I mean a couple of these relationships have dwindled but I remember meeting these people and thinking they were special. I mean if the relationship has dwindled I still they are special to me and I am glad I met them. Everyone on that list I feel is a genuinely good friend and all around person. I mean there are others I remember meeting but that's a list I remember from back in the day.

I could run down a college list of people I met and how cool I thought they were from the jump; Corey, Bosman (okay I met him in 8th grade but after 5 years you're entitled to say you are meeting again for the first time), Jordan, Bethany, Scott. Maybe it's just me but when I meet someone I know immediately how they are gonna figure into the equation that is the life of P@. Only misjudged a couple times. The cool thing about this is that it's not counting chickens before they've hatched, it's just a strange note taking of sorts... Whatever, tonight was fun as hell. Corey and I sang Pour Some Sugar on Me for karoke... It was rockin. Corey, any night you call to go out, sign me in. Good times, and hopefully good times to come. What can I say, I'm an optomist. Hey kids it's late and my group is counting on me tomorrow. Peace out.


Anonymous said…
Yes, I remember meeting you for the first time and I thought you were an amazing person, and you said we were soul mates of a sort. I wish I still believed in something like that. I know you're trying to hurt me, but I won't let that happen. Please know those words are not always about you. Goodbye my friend.
Anonymous said…
Yes, I remember meeting you for the first time and I thought you were an amazing person, and you said we were soul mates of a sort. I wish I still believed in something like that. I know you're trying to hurt me, but I won't let that happen. Please know those words are not always about you. Goodbye my friend.

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