Debating the agnostic Clarence Daryl

So we discussed this Agnostic, Clarence Daryl, in class today. We discussed how he thinks the Bible and Chritian beliefs are wrong. And we discussed it pretty thoroughly. I was sitting and arguing the non christian side of the argument because the only vocal people in class, not surprising, was the christian people. I may not be the most scholarly person when it comes to the ins and outs of the bible but I know it isn't a sound document. People have in the past pointed out to me contradictions and miracles that are just faulty. I do however have faith. That's what Christianity is about. Faith in God, right?
I have faith because I believe I have met God. Not in the biblical sense that he came to me in the night surrounded in flames and told me what to do with my life but I met God in a bookstore.
Stop laughing
Here's the story. I was 13 and we were visiting my relatives in Chicago. When we go to visit my relatives we almost always do the same thing, go shopping. My family in chicago is comprised of my grandma and grandpa, 6 aunts and a few uncles who married into the family, and their young kids. Rarely do any of my uncles go shopping with us but my entire family always goes with 4 or 5 of those aunts usually tagging along.
On many of these shopping excursions the group is divided up into the men and the women because Men dont want to shop for knick knacks, dresses, and underwear. Anyways normally when this happens my brother, my dad and I all jump in the car and go find a local bookstore or something that is interesting. This day we were at the Oak Brook Mall next to Naperville, Illinois (a suburb of Chicago) and we decided to hit up the local Borders bookstore that is close to the mall. When we go to bookstores we always split off, my brother goes to find the sci-fi, my dad the biographies or nonfiction and I find humor/literature. This particular day I was checking out the humor section alone and this guy comes out of nowhere and says "Hey Patrick, how's it going?" I without thinking just answer "oh doing well." and the guy walks off.
Now I was 13 and hadn't lived in Chicago since I was 5 years old so there is no way this random guy had any prior knowledge of who I was. That day I wasnt anywhere my brother or father and I have never owned any clothes with my name so that couldnt have tipped him off. So I immediately split from the humor section and left in the direction of this random guy. And when I rounded the corner he had just turned he was no where to be found.
Just to make sure it wasnt someone my brother or dad knew I immediately went to ask if they had talked to a man who was in his 30s, middle height/weight, with gray hair who was balding. They didnt know what I was talking about.
Later that night I informed every single relative of mine on my mothers side that earlier in the day I had met God. Of course they thought it was hilarious but there is no other way to explain a man who knows who I am, asks how I'm doing and then vanishing into the air. It was God. And that is the basis of my faith, I have met God.


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