Buying Gifts for Guys

It's funny to me how mysterious gift giving is to some people. What's should I get my Husband? What should I get my son? What should I get my dog? There appears to be a very large contingent of people out there who are lost in the woods when it comes to what the important people in their life are interested in and what would make a suitable gift for them.

For instance, for about as long as I can remember my mom has asked me for birthday and christmas lists, knowing full well I love films, I'm a musician, I dig the outdoors and travel, and I am kind of a looney tune so anything fun or goofy will go over pretty well. Still, I make the list because I don't want her to agonize over getting me "the right" gift. This year I'm doing things a little differently. BEHOLD!

Pinterest is the perfect venue to house any kind of list. Why should I (or any guy for that matter) go through the trouble of coming up with a list of things I want, just to do it all over every few months? So to erase this issue I've decided to build a board on Pinterest called "Gift Ideas for Guys," Obviously this will sway pretty heavily towards my interests; however, I am a pretty diverse guy. 

If you click over to the board you may notice some of the items are little on the pricey side. Look, I am a strong believer in getting one quality gift as opposed to several lackluster gifts. Everyone wants to open the golden briefcase in Pulp Fiction, so putting all your eggs in one basket is the smart move. If you aren't going to follow Pinterest board, here's a few pointers to help you on your gift buying quest:
  1. Buy something in their interests.
    "Remember that one time you said you wanted to try carpentry?" No one wants a gift that comes out of left field.
  2. Consider one BIG gift.
    A new TV is better than a bunch of accessories. If you know the homerun gift -or a variation there of- don't worry about the recipient only opening one gift, WE WANT THAT ONE GIFT!
  3. Run it by us casually.

    "So I was thinking about that meat smoker you wanted last year." Yes we may pick up that you're fishing for gift ideas, but we'd rather you do some shoddy snooping, than get us something we have to fake liking. That's no good for you, it's no good for us.
  4. What we bought recently?

    This should be a no brainer; if you're buying for a husband, boyfriend or child, what has that person been purchasing for themselves lately. I can tell you right now my wife has been really into massages, acupuncture, and smoothie maki, if I bought something in that world I know she'd appreciate it. Do a little step tracing and you'll find what you're looking for.
  5. Past Gifts that get a lot of use.

    Every bodies bought a gift that bomb, but we've also bought gifts that were huge hits. See what we use that you got us in the past and double down on that. Is there something you can add-on or upgrade about a previous gift? Gifts can work like Action films and pop music: If it was a hit before, it can be hit again.
Hopefully these quick hits can get you started, but if you're looking for something a little more concrete; follow my gifts for guys Pinterest board. I will definitely be posting some cool stuff there.


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