Buying Gifts for Guys
It's funny to me how mysterious gift giving is to some people. What's should I get my Husband? What should I get my son? What should I get my dog? There appears to be a very large contingent of people out there who are lost in the woods when it comes to what the important people in their life are interested in and what would make a suitable gift for them. For instance , for about as long as I can remember my mom has asked me for birthday and christmas lists, knowing full well I love films, I'm a musician, I dig the outdoors and travel, and I am kind of a looney tune so anything fun or goofy will go over pretty well. Still, I make the list because I don't want her to agonize over getting me "the right" gift. This year I'm doing things a little differently. BEHOLD! Pinterest is the perfect venue to house any kind of list. Why should I (or any guy for that matter) go through the trouble of coming up with a list of things I want, just to do it all ...