Teasing a Tiny Explosion (#DM48HFP)

In roughly 30 hours Des Moines will never be the same. Why? Because it will have experienced the demented short film "Trigger Words" produced by team Tiny Explosions.  Care for a taste?

Good gravy was this weekend fun. Here's a few pictures I snapped to take you behind the curtain:

First off, Tiny Explosions lucked out and didn't pull one of the harder genres; i.e. Drama or Film De Femme (don't ask), we pulled Vacation or Holiday Film. The guy standing next to me when I pulled the card laughed very loudly and said "Good luck!" Apparently his team hated it a few years back, luckily we didn't have the same experience. After every team found out the genre they'd be working in we got the standard elements:
  • Character: Chris or Christina Samuels, a Musician
  • Prop: a Coloring Book
  • Line: "Let's Do It"
We wasted no time the elements were announced, Brian and I packed up and headed for my basement.

The next five hours were all about brainstorming, fermented beverage consumption and basically goofing around in my basement. The hardest part was deciding who was gonna play what part. We had basically four major roles and four bit parts. In the weeks running up to #DM48HFP I asked everyone I thought could contribute if they were interested in joining the team. I might have over done it because I can't think of very many short films that need 15 actors. Our main roles went to my filmmaking partner Brian Hogan, his wife Erin and older daughter Bickley, the second lead went to one of my best friends Jordan Jensen, a guy who had never acted in his life. What can I say, I saw star potential in the kid.

After we had the script set we did the easy stuff first, the pic above is Jon Hoffmann doing a little radio d.j. voiceover work.

Saturday was filming day. There are more pictures than this but I don't want to spoil the entire flick. Let's just say Saturday was ridiculous and everyone pulled their weight and then some. As the day pushed on and we got slightly behind schedule, I jumped on the computer and left the directing of the last couple shoots to my more than competent friend, A.J. Hodgeman.

After filming wrapped, everyone grabbed dinner -prepared by my wonderful wife Marieta- and pretty much split. Brian, Erin and I worked on tweaking the film and at 10 p.m. or so, our friend Mike Marcovis came over to help write Chris Williams chart topping song "Let's Do It." This song is absolutely ridiculous. Think Dead or Alive's "You Spin me Round" but chalk full of innuendo. I'm thinking about burning a bunch and handing them out at the screening.

Sunday? Complete snooze fest, editing, blurring logos, and laying the soundtrack, but hey! We beat deadline by 30 minutes. In the end, 48HFP 2012 was a blast and I simply cannot wait for Wednesday's screening of "Trigger Words." A huge amount of thanks and praise needs to be given to these people.
  • Brian Hogan
  • Erin Hogan
  • Bickley Riley
  • Jordan Jensen
  • Aaron Riggs
  • Jon Hoffmann
  • A.J. Hodgeman
  • Marieta Boberg
  • Josh Larson
  • Jolene Schultz
  • T.J Trevillyan
  • Mookie
  • Mike Marcovis
  • Jacob Rosdail
  • and my neighborhood

Hope to see everyone Wednesday, August 1 7pm at the Fleur Cinema and Cafe in Des Moines.


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