The Second Best Visual Aid Ever

What now seems like a million years ago, three classmates and I made what can only be described as the second best visual aid ever produced (the best being that dinosaur extinction video I shared). A little context: In this class there were roughly 25 students and we were split into groups and tasked with giving a presentation to the class about a nonverbal subcode such as touch, physical appearance, body movements, gestures, vocal inflection and finally, space or proxemics. These presentations needed to fill the entire class time, 50 minutes. My group, Corey Orehek, Adam Bosman, and Kyle Gragert and myself had no intention of filling 50 minutes with us blathering on, so we made this video. 

About a week before our presentation date, on a rainy afternoon, we ran around campus with a camera getting uncomfortably close to anyone within our line of sight. Ridiculousness and discomfort was had by both the unknowing subjects and group members in front of the camera. Still we wanted to fatten it up so we added a few scenes from  Dumb and Dumber (Harry and Lloyd in the heart shaped tub and the phone booth punchout scene) and I did my best impression of a man I'd never heard speak or seen in my life; Edward T Hall, a researcher and professor who's a pretty big deal in communication studies.

Obviously I was a complete caricature of a drunkard college professor and while we loved it, I was nervous it might not go over well. Boy was I wrong. The class laughed their asses off, and the professor liked it so much she asked us for permission to use it as an example of what students can produce for visual aids. She wanted to put it in a text book she was writing but I don't believe that ever came about. Still, I love this video. It's proof that I should have been an actor. Oh well, one can always dream.


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