The Second Best Visual Aid Ever
What now seems like a million years ago, three classmates and I made what can only be described as the second best visual aid ever produced ( the best being that dinosaur extinction video I shared ). A little context: In this class there were roughly 25 students and we were split into groups and tasked with giving a presentation to the class about a nonverbal subcode such as touch, physical appearance, body movements, gestures, vocal inflection and finally, space or proxemics. These presentations needed to fill the entire class time, 50 minutes. My group, Corey Orehek, Adam Bosman, and Kyle Gragert and myself had no intention of filling 50 minutes with us blathering on, so we made this video. About a week before our presentation date, on a rainy afternoon, we ran around campus with a camera getting uncomfortably close to anyone within our line of sight. Ridiculousness and discomfort was had by both the unknowing subjects and group members in front of the camera. Still...