National #Unplug Day

Like many others I am a man addicted to technology. I carry a digital camera with me pretty much everywhere I go, I watch movies a lot, I am on my computer constantly, professionally I am a "Multimedia Specialist," and like many others I am constantly fiddling with my cell phone. So participating in National Day of Unplugging is akin to going cold turkey on a super addictive narcotic.

I will earnestly try to power down tomorrow but there will have to be exceptions. Marieta has us going to a documentary screening in the afternoon so there's some power usage (car to and screening of). Also I am a student at the University of Denver through their online grad school so I have some homework to deal with there. With those two exceptions I THINK I can do this. Books are good, maybe I can shoot some hoops outside if its not raining, go for a walk around Greys Lake... oh boy. It's gonna be hard. Why can't we ease into this with like a "National No Cell Phones Day." No dice I guess, cold turkey here we come.

 In case you're wondering the documentary we're going to see is called "Doula! The Ultimate Birth Companion" and it's a free showing at Java Joes and starts at 2pm. Here's the trailer if you want to know more.


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