Troop 78's Philmont Adventure

Almost 13 years ago I went to Philmont Scout Ranch with a group of my friends. My Dad and I brought along a video camera. We shot close to 4 hours of footage... and a lot of it was unwatchable. After a few years of letting those tapes collect dust I finally decided to edit it down so I could give my friends the video we shot instead of 4 hours of rambling video. So two years ago I chopped it up, got it all complete and did nothing with it. I wanted to screen it with all the guys collected. Sadly there wasn't a time that worked for everybody that summer and  I put the project on hold.

Well I'm tired of waiting for the right moment. I've posted the entire thing on youtube. 98 minutes. I loved that adventure and hope to go back some day if one of my children get the outdoors bug. If you want to grab a bag of popcorn and watch... here you go!

Philmont Teaser

Philmont Trailer

Philmont | 1998 Expedition of Troop 78

If you would like a DVD copy of our Philmont adventure or if you have any comments, you know where to reach me.


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