The Wonderful World of Animation

This January begins Season 2 of the CRI Kids' Show. I've done some really fun stuff this past year PB & AJ of course, Big Stuff, Rewind, Various Graphics & Kids' Show Shorts, and in season 2 I have a new contribution to the show that I'm getting really excited for. Check out the treatment for P.J. Pickle-Pants

PJ Pickle-Pants

Runtime: 90-120 seconds

PJ Pickle-Pants is a 13 year old boy who is a free-spirited, day-dreamer who puts off things like homework and chores. His best friends Harry Lettuce-Head & Bailey Banana-Belly always call and come over to play but PJ’s Dad, Peter Pickle-Pants wont let them play till PJ does his work. To inspire them Peter uses imaginative examples of why their work is important. The kids learn why they need to do certain things and have fun doing it.


PJ Pickle-Pants - - - - - - - - - - - Main Character
Peter Pickle-Pants - - - - - - - - - PJ’s Dad
Harry Lettuce-Head - - - - - - - - - - PJ’s Best Friend
Bailey Banana-Belly - - - - - - - - PJ’s other friend

Ideas for Episodes (nothing that is just fun)
01) Math Homework
Important Because: counting money, telling time, building things from houses to fences, doing taxes, figuring out distances, computers, etc

02) Cleaning your room (not cleaning is fun)
I.B.: Being organized allows you to find things easy, germs don’t collect, people will think you’re messy, you might break something, builds good habits to keep things neat

03) Taking Out The Trash
I.B.: Collecting trash stinks, spreads germs, can build mold which destroys things, trash can make you sick, keeps things neat

04) Science Homework
I.B.: A lot of jobs are built off of sciences; computer work, manufacturing, doctors, etc, Knowing how things work or live gives you an understanding of your surroundings, Let’s you appreciate the abundance of nature, there are some really cool things in the science world

05) Doing the dishes
I.B.: Clean dishes are important just like taking out trash, Show appreciation for the person who made the meal, sharing responsibility with others, allows you to have clean dishes for the next meal.

06) Cleaning up the yard
I.B.: Respectful of neighbors and people in the area, unkept lawns are ugly, tall grass and leaves can hide things like toys, tools, bikes, maybe broken glass and those things can be dangerous, sometimes it is the law

07) Geography/History homework
I.B.: Let’s you know there are other places in the world, Learn how people live differently than you, Get some perspective on different lifestyles, understand how things got to where they are today, respect other cultures, history lessons teach us mistakes others have made so we can learn a lesson.

08) Washing Dad’s car?
I.B.: Keeping nice things nice, teaches respect for your parents, respect for autos when PJ is old enough to drive

09) Feed/Wash/Walk the dog
I.B.: Responsibility of taking care of another living thing, if you want a pet you have to take care of it, gives you perspective on everything your parents do for you, because you love your pet

10) Apologizing for being rude (yelling at an adult or pushing a kid)
I.B.: It’s not okay to disobey those in charge, voicing your upset is okay but doing it the right way, apologizing lets people know you’re a good person who can admit you know you’ve done something wrong, Making friends is being than avoiding someone or holding a grudge

11)Folding and Putting Away Laundry
I.B.: Unfolded clothes get super wrinkly, wrinkled clothes make you look like a slob, Having things organized allows you to know where they are when you want them, taking part in laundry helps lighten the load for everyone.

In case you're wondering PJ is loosely based off of me; I was a terrible student and a chore procrastinator. No one had to break my arm to make me do chores but I did put them off. I think PJ and friends could be a fun and educational way to entertain kids. I promised six episodes but if I have enough good content I will definitely do more. Looks like I got 11 ideas rolling right there. Of course, I'm always looking for ideas so... leave me a comment, let's see what we can come up!


Commander Zaius said…
Maybe soemthing on respecting the beliefs of others, you've covered most of the bases already.

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