Babbling Scribe Podcast numero 1

Right Click the title of this entry and click save as. You are now downloading the first podcast of the Babbling Scribe. If you are reading the RSS feed of Babbling Scribe my advice is check this puppy out in Google Reader. You will get a pop up audio player and you don't have to do anything if you don't want. It will just notify you whenever I add new content and you can check it out. Rock n roll.

Okay so I'm pretty excited about this... however, I'm not quite sure about the product I'm putting out there. This is my maiden voyage into podcasting. Will anyone listen? maybe my mom. Will anyone care? can't rely on mom for this one.

Kind of content lite, and the editing isn't great but I was in a hurray to mix it down before I left for work today. Yes I am working on Sunday but it's okay because no one in the bay is seeing the Pats vs. Steelers except for those with the direct feed... i.e. people with a dish and people in television studios. Good stuff.

Let me break down the content of this podcast:

00:00 - 02:27 Babbling Scribe intro
02:28 - 10:50 Top Five Movies I am looking forward to seeing
10:51 - 26:50 Musical intermission
26:51 - 35:20 Marieta talks food w/me (taped separately, poorly edited)
35:21 - 40:22 Talking New TV Shows
40:23 - 41:39 Time Traveling recommendations
41:40 - 44:41 Song to before the end
44:42 - 47:23 Goodbye, see you next time

Okay so give me a chance to get a couple podcasts up before you write me off. Next time I will have my Best Man, Jordan Jensen as my guest and it will be ridiculous. Thanks for wasting your time with me. peace.


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