Ants in my Pants

This past weekend I watched no football. But it was for a good cause. Marieta and I went to Sausalito, bought something I will blog about once it arrives (that's hard to do), and wedding registry investigated. Okay so none of those are good causes in the Societal sense but it probably meant a lot to Marieta because she would like to have my full undivided attention. Sure I stole a peak at the scores on my phone here and there but I didn't sit down in front of the tube.

Now during the investigation we made it up to Walnut Creek (the east bay hideout for upper middle class white people) and stopped by Shane co and looked at wedding bands. I figure its a cool idea because that is where I got Marieta's engagement ring. I really like them and they have a perfect band for me. I found a ring that looks like it could be the source of super powers... now don't think that it's some sort of weird gaudy ring, it's Tungsten (the hardest metal created by man, now that is sexy) and just a dark grayish with a shiny middle stripe... I don't really want to show it to you because I want there to be some surprises. Anyways! I don't want to wait a year to put it on! I let my parents in on the fun and it turns out my dad was the same way. I'm considering wearing my wedding band on the wrong hand as an engagement ring for me... Does that devalue the ring? I need some guidance here. Should I wait?


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