Been a while

So this thing is screwed up. I posted that birthday message on the 19th (my birthday) and somehow it thought it was the 20th. I mean it was at like 10pm but that still doesn't make much sense, unless this thing is based out of the eastern time zone.

So what was my birthday like? Chocolate Chip pancakes, In and Out Burgers, and a long drive back to Alameda from Los Angeles. Chocolate Chip pancakes and In and Out= Two
of my favorites. I also got a couple of cool gifts; a few shirts with matching ties (the true sign of growing up was that I was excited to see them...), a picnic basket designed to carry two bottles of wine, a few cards, and a NINTENDO WII from Marieta. Have I mentioned I love her? I am all over that thing. I immediately got Madden and a second Wii mote. I could go on forever about the wii but I'm on lunch so that will have to wait for another day. Later taters.


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