Ocean's of inspiration

So after seeing Ocean's 13 I have been all hyped up. I love that movie. The best of the three by far. But you know what the best part is? The Soundtrack. Oh my god the bass and drums on that soundtrack just rock so hard. I'm all over it. It has truly excited me. I haven't been very excited by any music lately (previous purchases aside). So now what?

I want to write music that is cool enough it could be on an Ocean's soundtrack. I'm tired of punk and screaminess. So that's it. My new tunes are gonna be inspired by three things David Holmes work on this soundtrack, Rx Bandits (because they rock and groove), and finally The Chemical Brothers. They always come with the goods. Including their album which drops next month. They are one of my top friends on myspace. Give it a listen, they put the entire album up there..


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