Don't interrupt a singer when he's in a funky grove

You need to seeThe Break Up. As far as I am concerned Vince Vaughn is leaving quite a comic legacy. His career may have started with Swingers but his real climb to the comic mountain top started with Old School, than Wedding Crashers, and he is close to the summit with The Break Up. I loved this movie. It had big laughs, great plot points, great side characters, and a great ending that you don't see coming. Awesome. Check it out.

Now maybe you're a punk who reads reviews from so called professionals and to you people I say don't listen to them. The complaints being heard are the main characters (Vaughn and Anniston) don't have good chemistry and don't appear to be people truly in love. That is funny because the chemistry is gone in their characters relationship and they may still love each other but Gary (Vaughn) has completely lost sight of Brook (Anniston) as someone to cherish and value, while Brook is tired pulling the weight in the relationship. The problem with this chemistry problem is that as the movie moves on you see the characters hurt and try really hard to get the other person to notice their feelings. I think the reviews are C-R-A-P. Watch for yourself and realize this isn't about a golden relationship meant to strive beyond all odds, but one that is sinking to the bottom of the ocean floor quicker than the titanic. I loved it and couldn't have enjoyed it more.


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