It's Official

Marieta is an Registered Dietition, I got the grades, and I shall receive my degree in a couple of short days (maybe a week), and in a week I will be soaking up the rays out in sunny california. It's gonna be a good time. Do you want to see some pictures from my graduation? alright well here there are:

I had no idea that stupid little curl was hanging out during the ceremony and the picture of Marieta and I is not are best. Other than that... nothing. Oh in case you don't know the guy I am sitting next to at the ceremony is Corey. We didn't listen to any of the speceches instead we took a box of basketball cards I snuck in pockets to the ceremony, ranked the players by position and quality and held a draft. We filled a full roster with starting and reserves. It was pretty cool. I think my starting five was: Gilbert Arenas, T Mac, Kevin Garnett, Amare Stoudamire (sp?), and Tim Duncan. I don't remember Corey's but I do remember that I had Kobe in my reserves and Dwayne wade wsnt in the box. Yup... So good times are coming.

So whats the plan for California? well New Years on the Beech of Santa Monica (hopefully), going up to San Francisco to check ou the scene for Marieta and I, and who knows what else. Probably a lot of eating out and murder... well not the murder. I love you kids, talk to you later.


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