
Showing posts from December, 2005

World Domination

That's always a good way to kick things off. WORLD DOMINATION! You know what? I am in the best mood of all time. I just go Marieta and I set up for our trip to San Fran next week. We are going on the 4th (So yes I'll miss the national championship game, but who gives.) and returning to L.A. on the 6th. We are staying at this hotel I know that seems like a crazy link but damn it that is a nice freaking h...

California Christmas

Well not really. I only got here on the 26th but we held our family Christmas last night in a half filled house. My parents bought a house in Simi Valley California and we moved in beds and dressers yesterday. I'll post some pictures of the monkey once we get the home network up and running. Right now I am at the West Lake Village Library. I am driving Meg to an interview today for some internship. She's a smart one so she'll probably get it. What did I get for Christmas you ask? Well I got: 1) a leather jacket 2) a kick ass sword (from my uncle steve 3) this black on black jogger jacket from santa 3) some clothes 4) some video games 5) a neon sign that says rock and 6) a couple video games. All in all it was a good christmas but I didn't get any toys... : ( Oh well next Christmas. OH YEAH! Marieta bought me Tivo. Now that is pretty cool. She also got me the Victoria Secret cologne "Sexy" It smells gooooood. Marieta comes out here on Friday and we're gonn...

It's Official

Marieta is an Registered Dietition, I got the grades, and I shall receive my degree in a couple of short days (maybe a week), and in a week I will be soaking up the rays out in sunny california. It's gonna be a good time. Do you want to see some pictures from my graduation? alright well here there are: I had no idea that stupid little curl was hanging out during the ceremony and the picture of Marieta and I is not are best. Other than that... nothing. Oh in case you don't know the guy I am sitting next to at the ceremony is Corey. We didn't listen to any of the speceches instead we took a box of basketball cards I snuck in pockets to the ceremony, ranked the players by position and quality and held a draft. We filled a full roster with starting and reserves. It was pretty cool. I think my starting five was: Gilbert Arenas, T Mac, Kevin Garnett, Amare Stoudamire (sp?), and Tim Duncan. I don't remember Corey's b...


yep, so i am chillen in a hallway outside the dmacc library typing this entry on my new psp. pretty cool huh? i had no idea these things had wireless capabilities. why i am i @ dmacc? good question. marieta is taking her RD test here. all right i would keep going but typing this all out is a lot of work. later kids

The Last Assignment

I turned in my last college assignment ever about 5 minutes ago. It felt rather odd. Well maybe not the turning in of the assignment but definitely the walk over here to do it. I live on the west side of campus and I had to walk by Helser, Friley, Carver, Curtiss, and finally turn in my assignment in Ross. Kind of funny. Maybe I'm being a little dramatic but Helser is where I lived my freshman year, Friley my sophomore year, Carver I had a billion classes in, and Curtiss is where I had my first college class. Kind of crazy. Four and a half years. What a journey. Three different girlfriends. The beginning, the middle, and the end. Three different bands. A billion guitars, a billion shows, a billion pizzas delivered... It's kind of crazy. I was walking over here and getting a little sentemental (sp? actually i just like putting mental in there). What a wild ride. I overheard a couple people coming out of Curtiss talking about how you don't need a college degree to get a job. ...

College, the bell tolls for thee

Today was my last day of class as a college student. Can you believe it? It was surreal walking out of my HIstory class this morning and thinking "Damn, I am never gonna take another college course. something like 17 years of schooling and I am done? I remember being in 7th grade and thinking that I would never be done with school. Now I have some papers to turn in for finals, I wear a gown for an hour, and I"m out. That is a steaming pile of bullcrazy. Last night I went out with a lot of the graduating seniors from Com Studies. It was crazy fun, we took a bunch of pictures, and laughed at our college. I am putting the pictures up on Fackbook as we speak so if you want to check it out. Just click on the folder of pictures from our Com Studies senior night. I ate lunch with Corey today. He is never in town this late in the week but considering how this is the last week of class he hung out. It was a good lunch and we talked about life after college. He is moving in with Eleano...

A steaming pile of Bull crazy

So it's the week before finals again and I have a ton of papers to write again. A ten pager for my history course, a 2 pager for my senior seminar, a 5 pager for my journalism course, and a rewrite for my screen play (well not a rewrite but more of a touch up job). I am not nervous or anything but I hate having all these things at once. That's for sure. I thought up until last Thursday that the 5 pager was another 10 pager and that is just too many pagers... (pager). Outside of school? Well, I'm glad you asked. Tonight is the first Monday of the month so it is Fajita night at O'Malley's. That should be cool. Jordan and Bethany are coming up from Ankney to join in the fun. Tomorrow there is an Australian wine tasting in Johnston that Bethany, Marieta, and I are checking out (Marieta actually found a couple of wines I liked. I would tell you the name but I forgot em... WAIT! The red wine was from hungry and it's name was "Bull's Blood" she ordered it...