Dude, this weather is freaking depressing

It is 37 degrees out, raining, and overcast like nobodies business. On top of that I slept like fish out of water last night, I have a head cold, and I have done nothing today but drive to West Des Moines and back. I just wanna meeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh....

Thank god there is basketball tonight. I am going to play ball and watch it. Yeah so I havent done this thing in a long time. I guess I have gotten bogged down with school work, hanging with Chels (which isn't really work but it takes time away from BSing on the internet), and when I have time to do this I am either working out or chilling out.

So whats up? Um I spent springbreak in Chicago. It was pretty sweet. I actually put the pictures on the net. I got this account thing at Club Photo here's the link http://members7.clubphoto.com/patrick972501/guest-1.phtml

If you check it out you will notice that I also signed up for a new apartment. I am living alone next fall. It's my last semester here so I figure I should try living on my own once. I think it's gonna be pretty sweet. It's a one+ apartment. It has a kitchen, tv room, bathroom, a bedroom, and a small room you walk through to get to the bedroom. It's pretty awesome. I can't wait to be there. It's over by the boheme so hopefully I can hang out there often. what else... Oh yeah, Chels is in Boston right now visiting her friend Lauren over springbreak. It's pretty eventful for her so far but that's her story to tell. I don't really have much left to say so I'll let you go but keep checking that clubphoto.com thing because I'm gonna load it up. later kiddies.


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