Chilling at the U of I

Wow, I update the frontpage and Life and times in one day, what next I review the aerosmith show as well? who knows. As the headline says I am just chilling in Iowa City. I finished up my finals on Monday at 8pm and now I have a couple weeks off before my summer class kicks into effect. I just want that bitch to be over with so I can just rock out this summer. I stand to make a lot of money next week and that is nothing but good news because I am gonna pay off my newly acquired Mesa Boogie and start saving for my Powerbook. I WILL HAVE THAT BY THE END OF WEEK!

Tonight should be a rather crazy evening. Elliot Tommingo, bass player for Half the Facts and one of my best friends, turned 21 yesterday and we are going out tonight to celebrate. I'm sure it will be a crazy time. I plan on taking pounds of digital pics and video.

Speaking of video, you should check out the main page of Stunt Bunny because there is a link to a video I made over a year ago. I never finished editing it and have decided to hold off on editing it till I get my powerbook with Final Cut Pro. I am excited for that shit like nobodies business. I am excited to get back into the video editing thing. I want to write and shoot a movie this summer if time allows and I can work up good enough material.

So I guess that's a casting call. If anyone is interested in starring in a movie written, directed, produced, and edited by yours truly give a shout out. It's gonna be have the feel of Kevin Smiths early movies, no real discernable plot besides good conversation about craziness and odd turns.

Speaking of movies, I want to see that movie about those two guys going to white castle. I am not kidding go to and search for "Go to White Castle" I dont remember the real name but I'm sure it's gonna be awesome. It's from the director of Dude Where's my Car. And we all know how much I loved that movie.


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